Today we are heeding to develop a vehicle which utilizes electricity as mode of power source. But in order to attain that vehicle we faces many problem like low speed, low weight, bearing capacity, low efficiency, and very low power. To overcome these problems a simple prototype of one person electric go kart was developed. The main focus is to increase weight bearing capability and simultaneously lower the overall weight of kart. We are also require to think about different type of stresses (tensile, compressive, bending, shear) with their failure criteria (yielding, fatigue, fracture). Material selection criteria is also important issue because it put constrains on welding process, drilling process, strength, cost etc. For material selection different observation were taken and we decided to work on SS304, AL6061and DOM1020. Design of kart is the key parameter on which we do innovations, such that strength can be maintained at higher load, and lower's value of various stresses. For design of chassis various type models where made on SOLID WORK and there simulation were taken into account by ANSYS. At last test were held by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) like weight, impact test, max load test, tensile and compressive test, deformation test, etc. The results of these test compiled, to provide assistance for other students, researchers, and companies working in the field of automation.
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The main objective of this paper is to give detailed design calculation and analysis of go-kart vehicles parts. Go kart is a four wheel racing vehicle & since there is no suspension and no differential, when both rear tires turn at the same speed. The intention of this paper is modelling and analysis of go-kart vehicle parts according to their design calculation and simulation of parts. The modelling and analysis are performed by using 3D CAD design software tools such as CREO PARAMETRIC 3.0, SOLIDWORKS 2016 and subjected to simulation using ANSYS WORKBENCH 16.2 etc. where impact analysis was performed in front, rear and lateral directions. Then we observed the flexural rigidity of structure and chassis deformation. The comparison of results of two different materials and then properties with final design is completed. The paper consists of design stresses and deformation result of different components of vehicle parts such as stub axle and stub arm of steering system, and temperatu.
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International Journal of Engineering Research and
The report aims at discussing the design procedure of the Go-Kart vehicle. The report is an account of application of extensive engineering concepts, production engineering, project management and team work. The report is a submission proof that these ideas have been efficiently and viably converted into a high performance vehicle. With the vision to eliminate the harmful gases in the air caused due to smouldering of fuel and to form a pollution-free environment, we have designed an electric go-kart. This report is aimed at designing and developing a working model of an electric go-kart. The design and fabrication of the go-kart are made simple so that it could be operated even by non-professional drivers. The design is made keeping in mind the high strength of vehicle which can sustain more weight and provide the best facilities at a low cost.
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A Go-Kart is a small four wheeled vehicles without suspension or differential. It is a light powered vehicle which is generally used for racing. This paper is aimed to model and perform the dynamic analysis of the go-kart chassis which is of constructed with circular beams. Modelling and analysis are performed in SOLIDWORKS and ANSYS respectively. The go-kart chassis is different from ordinary car chassis. The chassis is designed in such a way that it requires less materials and ability to withstand loads applied on it. Strength and light weight are the basic consideration for choosing the chassis material. AISI 1018 is the suitable material to be used for the go-kart chassis which is a medium carbon steel having high tensile strength, high machinability and offers good balance of toughness and ductility.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
The aim of our project is the development of an electric GO kart vehicle to reduce emission of hazardous pollutant gases and to design and develop a vehicle which works efficiently on electric power. E-Kart is a racing vehicle having very low ground clearance and can be worked on only flat racing circuits.This paper concentrates on explaining the engineering behind the design of a safe, rigid and torsional free frame, well-mounted power train along with the braking and steering system. We approached our design by considering all possible alternatives for a system and modelling them in SOLIDWORKS. I.
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This paper aims to the design analysis of a go kart chassis. The main intention is to do modelling and static analysis of go-kart chassis. The maximum deflection is obtained by analysis. The go-kart chassis are different from chassis of ordinary cars on the road. The paper highlights the material used and structural formation of chassis. The strength of material, rigidity of structure and energy absorption characteristics of chassis is discussed. The modelling and analysis are performed using 3-D software such as SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS and HYPERMESH. The loads are applied to determine the deflection of chassis.
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Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research
The Go-kart is a four-wheeled vehicle without any suspension and differential. It is a light-weight vehicle designed for racing used for racing. Go-kart has low ground clearance in comparison to the other vehicles. The parts of go-kart are engine, wheels, steering, axle and chassis. Go-kart is powered by 125 cc engine. We are going to use software like CATIA V5 for CAD modelling and ANSYS for analysis. In this project, we will work on the design of chassis, braking system, steering assembly and power transmission and analysis of the Chassis. For the safety point of view, analysis is carried out for a range of force values for all three impact tests like Front impact, Rear impact, Side-impact.
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There are many motor sports in the world. Bikes, Cars are examples of them. But there are also motor sports which do not need professional drivers and need no great speed. This paper explains the designing and fabricating a sound kart having high fuel economy and maximum driver comfort compactness. To achieve the objectives, the rulebook of NKRC 2017 is followed. Design Validation is done by conducting theoretical calculations, simulations and known facts. Analysis are conducted on all major components. The design has been modelled in SOLIDWORKS 2016, the analysis was done in ANSYS 16.0.
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International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) This work aims to design the Go-Kart chassis by keeping in mind the rules imposed by Go-Kart Design Challenge 2017. Theoretical calculations are to be carried out which have to be realize through several analyses. These results during front impact analysis, the chassis should meet the required factor of safety. In order to enhance factor of safety the computer aided design model was altered marginally such that it meets the safety requirements. An innovative method of design optimization has been discussed, without significant increase in the overall kerb weight of the chassis. The design and fabrication of go kart many people are trying to build with in a cost of 1lakh and we had also taken up the challenge to make a go-kart within a budget of 70K.This is a dream for which we are working with a hope of making it true. So it is sure that this project will have a high demand in the industry.
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