How to implement a successful health and safety management plan

Safety management is an organisation’s overall plan and system which lays out the company’s Occupational Health and Safety objectives and strategy. A safety management system can be structured in any format and contain any content, but it must entail, cover, and adhere to the important sections and requirements of the OHS Act

What elements form part of a safety management system?

  1. Health and safety policy
  2. Structures and Organogram
  3. Appointments
  4. OHS committee
  5. OHS training
  6. OHS equipment

When the safety management system is developed, there must be funds allocated for the purchase of any required OHS equipment, which will assist the OHS team in attending to emergencies and ensure health and safety compliance in the workplace.

The correct process to follow when implementing and maintaining a successful safety management system

It is important to follow the correct process when implementing a safety management system. Listed below is an example that management could utilize:

Management must develop the OHS and emergency evacuation policies in consultation with the employees or their OHS representatives. These policies will form part of the safety management system and detail the OHS direction, aims, objectives and commitment to manage elements of the safety management system correctly, with the view to continual review and improvement.

To promote a positive safety culture within the organisation and determining the roles, responsibilities and resources required to provide for a thorough safety management system the organisation scan use the 4C’s: