Idioms And Phrases - English Aptitude MCQ Questions and Answers

To encounter or be forced to reckon with someone or something that proves more powerful, troublesome, or formidable than one expected.

To drive home

A. To find one's roots

B. To return to place of rest

C. Back to original position

E. None of these

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option D To drive home: give special importance or value to. To have an axe to grind

A. A private end to serve

B. To fail to arouse interest

C. To have no result

D. To work for both sides

E. None of these

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A

To have an axe to grind: to have a strong personal opinion about something that you want people to accept and that is the reason why you do something

To cry wolf

A. To listen eagerly

B. To give false alarm

D. To keep off starvation